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Ways to Give


We ask all our parents to consider giving to the school. The government funding we receive does not keeping up with rising costs and is taken up by our core budget. That bit extra from parental giving enables us to offer a wider range of activities and facilities and makes a great difference to your child’s educational experience at Holy Trinity Pewley Down. We take our school motto seriously - 'Learn to Live' - and voluntary donations help us develop confident, well-rounded individuals with values and purpose. In addition, as a voluntary aided church school, we are required to fund 10% of any building and capital works. We are a charity and can claim gift aid on donations, which is worth an extra 25p for every £1 donated.

We completely understand that some families are less well-placed than others to give and also that circumstances change, but we hope that you will consider it carefully.

Ways to give

1. Administered by the school

If you choose to make a regular contribution by standing order, please download the standing order form below. These arrangements can be amended or cancelled at any time.

If you wish to make a single donation by cheque, please complete the single donation gift aid form below and return these to the finance office.

Specific Projects

Our voluntary funds are used to offer non-core activities, as well as to subsidise less well-off pupils to go on trips and visits. You can give to the support fund on Parentpay (school support donation fund).

In addition, we currently have some major infrastructure projects that you may wish to donate towards.

At Holy Trinity, our new Chapel was completed recently and is in use for assemblies, plays, events and clubs. The cost of £320,000 was funded by a local authority advance and previous donations, including from HTSC. 

At Pewley Down, we have recently completed a major roof rebuild and window replacement with funds from the Diocese. The governors' 10% was met by previous donations, including by FOPS. The IT infrastructure at Pewley is also due for an upgrade. 

2. Administered by HTSC (the PTA)

Easy Fundraising

Would you like to raise funds for the school every time you shop online? If so, follow this link

Thank you!