Outdoor Learning
Learning outside the classroom is central to philosophy at HTPD and we are very fortunate to be blessed with being located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Both sites have excellent grounds with designated areas for each year group at the infant school. At the Junior site there are areas for growing produce, a wooded nature area and pond, an adventure trail and a superb astroturf pitch.
The Wild Place is an area approximately 2 acres in size that is used by all the children on a weekly basis at the infant school and often used by the junior children. There is a range of plants, secret paths and woodland where children can watch, listen, explore and learn in a safe and stimulating environment.
We are very excited by the acquisition of a new field at the juniors. This is part of Pewley Meadows - a Surrey Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve; it will hopefully be developed in the coming years to enrich the environmental curriculum, provide a space for play, and an opportunity for the school community to "see heaven in the moment".
Both school grounds and our local area of Pewley Down and The Chantries which are on our doorstep, are used for walks, cross-country, art, assemblies, maths and many other learning opportunities that cover a wide range of curriculum areas. Day trips, and in particular our residential trips at the juniors, further develop the children's understanding of the outdoor environment in settings beyond our locality.
At the junior school, our highly qualified instructor of outdoor education teaches the children across the school, leading them in a range of exciting activities. The overview below gives more detail on the outdoor learning that takes place in these sessions.