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JTLYK 24 January

Dear Parents and Carers 

Another busy week in Year 4 has seen our chess enthusiasts playing in the House competition during their lunchtimes.  An exciting finale is expected by the end of the week – watch this space!  Talking of competitions, we have launched our TT Rockstars inter-class challenge for Year 4 this week.  The games opened on Tuesday and run until next Tuesday morning before school.  Please help your child to take part for 10 minutes per day and score points for their class!  Each competitor will earn a House Point!


This week the children have been learning about multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100, practising using their skills with related problems.  We have used the formal written methods for multiplication and are gaining confidence in seeing connections between inverse operations when tackling equations.


We have really enjoyed looking at different types of narrative this week in preparation for planning our own stories.  The children decided on the genre of their story and then set off up ‘story mountain’ to write their story.  We reminded them of the characteristics of narrative writing – can your child tell you what they are? 

In SPaG we have (again) looked at using direct speech in our writing.  This aspect of writing is one that children find hard to apply correctly but will be useful in their narratives! 

The spellings this week are homophones - peace, piece, groan, grown, weather, whether 

bury, berry, plain, plane - We will check these on Tuesday 27th January.


This week we have used our shoes to investigate friction and materials!   Working scientifically, we practised the skill of evaluating and enquired through comparative testing. The children discussed the force of gravity with friction and pondered the effect it has on different types of shoes. We reflected on the success of our enquiry and thought of further investigations we could do to learn more. 



Continuing our learning about God’s Covenants with human kind, we moved on to learning about Abraham this week.  We know that he was an extremely patient man who was very devout.  God promised that he would have more children than the stars in the sky.  We discussed why having lots of descendants was important to Abraham and how God showed he could trust Him.


The children were very excited this week to learn how to make a podcast!  We have started to use the ‘Audacity’ app to record, edit and play their voices and will be working towards making their very own podcasts in the coming weeks.


We have begun practising ‘Sports hall’ games this week, building confidence in the first 8 activities.  They used strength, jumping, strong core and soft knees for good form, thus increasing their success rates!