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JTLYK 17 January

Dear Parents and Carers

We had a wonderful time at Brooklands Museum on Monday! We learnt all about the science behind aviation and motoring. It was quite chilly but the children thoroughly enjoyed testing their cars down the test track. We were all fascinated with how far technology has developed in such a short time, from the use of bamboo in biplanes to the high-tech metals used today. Thank you to all our lovely volunteers who came along to help, we couldn’t do it without you!


This week, the children have been learning how to multiply by 10 and 100. When we use a place value chart, we can see how the numbers move to the left when multiplying, and then later when we divide by 10, how the numbers move to the right. The children practised using number facts such as:

1 hundred = ____ ones, 10 hundreds = _____ thousand, 70 x 10 = ? and 7 x 100 = ? Ask your child to help you fill in the answers!

Please keep practising times tables with your child at home! Just a few minutes every couple of days makes a big difference to their confidence!


The children have been working hard composing their list poems inspired by ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ this week. The ingredients for their potions are suitably disgusting and funny in equal measure!

In SPaG this week, the children loved learning more about ONOMATOPOEIA, where words sound like the action they are describing – can your child give you some examples? We also looked at what makes a sentence, remembering those full stops and capital letters as well as checking for a complete thought and a clear meaning!

The spellings this week all include the suffix ‘ly’ - angrily, beautifully, carefully, completely, gently, simply, vigorously, frantically, occasionally, accidentally. Can your child explain which word class these are? We will check these on Monday 20th January.


Moving on from our scientific data collecting and measuring last week, the children used research skills to write profiles of some famous scientists. With the help of secondary historical sources, they learnt about the lives of a variety of scientists, finally narrowing it down to one they wanted to focus on. They practised looking for key facts and interesting information about their chosen scientist to produce detailed and fascinating fact files.


We are learning all about the Covenants that God made with humankind this term. This week the children discussed what the relationship was supposed to be with God after the Creation, before learning what went wrong. We heard the Bible stories from Genesis concerning Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and finally how God asked Noah to help him save his family and the animals in his ark. The children enjoyed making the first of the Covenant knowledge organisers and drew the symbol of the Noahic Covenant – a rainbow. Ask your child to tell you about its significance.