JTLYK 17 January
Dear Parents,
We have continued with our Space topic this week. The children have created moon art using foil and flicked paint with paintbrushes to make a starry scene. We did a Science experiment to determine which substance (sugar, baking powder, sand or salt) would melt ice faster. After making our own prediction we observed over time to get our result.
This week we’ve learnt new phonemes (oo, oo (as in book), ar, or). Please check Tapestry to see some short videos of these phonemes so that you can practise at home. Our new tricky words are: was, you, they.
Wild Place
If you are able to come with us please click on the link to sign up. We will be leaving at around 1:30pm and returning to school at 2:45pm.
Please send your child in with a warm coat, gloves, hat, scarf and thick socks for the wellies as it can be really cold at the Wild Place.
Reception: Wild Place Spring Term Sign Up.
Dates for your diary
- Friday 24 January – Wild Place
- Tuesday 11 February – Sportshall
- Friday 14 February – Fluffy Friday
- February 17–21 – Half Term break
We will be needing parent helpers to help at the Guildford Spectrum for our Sportshall event on 11th February. We will arrive by coach at about 9.15am and leave by 11.45am. If you are able to assist us, please email either Beccy or Hayley.
Things we need
We are on the hunt for some large plastic drink bottles to add to our junk modelling resources.
Have a lovely weekend,
The Reception team.