31 January 2025
Dear Parents/Carers
It’s been another varied week at HTPD!
I have really enjoyed my time at the infants this week, in particular Reception's Chinese New Year activities and Year 1 re-telling the story of the Gingerbread Man with their story map. The enthusiasm and engagement of the children was superb, and this fantastic scaffold has resulted in such high-quality writing for children of this young age. I wish I had been taught in this way when I was at school!
We had wonderful assemblies to celebrate Chinese New Year at both the infants and juniors this week. Donna led us through our celebrations and the children contributed some fabulous artwork to see in the year of the snake. The celebrations ended this week with a dragon dance. We’ve been told there’s more to come so watch this space!
Year 5 had a fantastic time at Winchester Science Centre on Monday. In creating their own bottle rockets, they discovered the physics behind rapid combustion reactions! They also learned all about how sound travels and the forces in Space, through exploring the Centre's interactive exhibits, as well as studying the stars in the amazing planetarium show.
It has been a very busy week of sport. On Saturday, Nick and Laura took a Year 5 team to the Rydes Hill U10's Netball Tournament. The tournament was played to a high standard and the team were very unlucky to miss out on the top spot, losing to Notre Dame in the last game.
On Tuesday, it was the turn for our Year 3 team to compete against 10 other schools in the Guildford Primary Schools Dodgeball Tournament at the Spectrum. The Year 3’s have been learning how to play Dodgeball at the after school club run by Paul. The HT team were up against it, they faced some well drilled Year 4 teams but really improved as the tournament went on and everyone went home tired but happy. Once again, thanks to the parents who helped take the children to the Spectrum. These events couldn't happen without parents volunteering to take their children to fixtures and so we are very grateful the all the help you give us.
After school on Thursday, Laura took 14 Year 4 girls to Tormead to join in with their Year 3 and 4 netball club, playing some fun games focusing on netball skills, fun and making new friends. Finally, on Friday, Laura and Carla visited the infants with the Year 6 Sports Crew who have been learning to lead by helping out in Year 1 PE. Next week, they will return ready to deliver their own lesson, working towards being awarded their Silver Badge.
To add to the variety, we enjoyed a clarinet demonstration during Wednesday’s assembly. Clarinet Crew group lessons will begin after half term at the juniors. On Thursday, fifteen Year 5 and 6 children attended the VEX IQ Robotics Competition at Charterhouse School. They competed against ten other teams across three competitions which tested their robot driving, coding, team work and design skills. The teams performed brilliantly, winning the Stem Poster Competition with a fantastic design for a robot that is tasked with cleaning plastic from our oceans. They also won the skills competition that relied on them harnessing both their coding and driving skills. To top it off, our three teams placed 3rd, 4th and 5th in the main event, being narrowly beaten by two very talented teams from Merrow. The children represented HT brilliantly, cheering on and clapping their fellow competitors; we are really proud of their achievements.
Another week really capturing a ‘zest for learning and love of life’ at HTPD!
Lastly, today is Catherine Finniear’s final day as she begins her maternity leave. I am sure you will join me in wishing Catherine all the best; we look forward to meeting her new arrival soon.
For those of you continuing the lunar new year celebrations, we hope you enjoy this special time with family and friends. Kung Hey Fat Choi!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Thought of the week: “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” –Aesop.
Fluffy Friday, 14 February
Choice forms went out via ParentMail yesterday and should be completed by 9.00am next Tuesday 4 February.
Pewley House Poetry Event for Year R, 1 and 2, Thursday 6th February
The excitement is mounting at school as House Poetry approaches! The children have been reading and reciting poems in class and at playtime. It's not too late for your child to pick a poem to share in our 'House Poetry' assembly on Thursday 6th February. They can learn a poem and read it aloud, they can learn a poem off by heart or they can write a poem to read or perform. We know many children are excited to take part. Thank you for helping them to develop their love of poetry!
Elizabeth’s (Hazel Class) pink ballet skirt has been missing for the last couple of weeks. Please check that your child hasn’t picked it up by mistake.
Road works on Pewley Hill
We have been advised that there are currently no spare available parking bays at the top of Pewley Hill as the waterworks continue towards Semaphore Road. This is likely to continue into late Spring.
Dates for the Diary
- Monday 3 February – 3G swimming
- Wednesday 5 February – 4SP swimming
- Friday 7 February – Y3 Ancient Greek Day
- Friday 7 February – Cake Sale and Second Hand Uniform Sale after school
Cancelled Clubs
- Monday 3 February – Y5 Netball Club
- Tuesday 4 February – Mindfulness Club
- Friday 7 February – Kickstart and Y4 Netball Club
- Friday 14 February - Y4 Netball Club
Menu: Week 2 beginning 3 February
Monday 3 February - Y5 Netball Matches v Burpham - HOME. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.
- Y5 Netball Club is cancelled
Tuesday 4 February - Y5 Football v Boxgrove - AWAY. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.
Wednesday 5 February - Y6 Netball v QE - HOME. The teams will be sent out on ParentMail.
Thursday 6 February - Y5&6 XC at St Joseph's. The teams will be sent out on ParentMail.
Friday 7 February - Y5&6 Sportshall Practice - on the pitch until 4.30pm. For children selected at the Sportshall trials. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.
- Y4 Netball Club is cancelled
- KickStart is cancelled
Monday 10 February -Y5 Netball Tournament at St Cat's. The teams have been sent out on ParentMail.
- Y5 Netball Club is cancelled
Tuesday 11th February - Y5 Football v QE - HOME. The team will be sent out on ParentMail.
Thursday 13 February - Y5&6 Sportshall - Spectrum - AM. The team will be sent out on ParentMail
Friday 14 February - Y4 Netball Club is cancelled due to Bertha being on site after Fluffy Friday.
Weather the storms with an HTPD hat! Make sure your little ones are nice and cosy with our HTPD Pom Pom beanie hats, for only £7. They come in each house colour, are excellent quality and warm - the perfect addition to school uniform on chilly days, and a nice little boost for our school fundraising too.
Please buy online here and collect at the PD school office.
Friday 7 February - Cake and second hand uniform sale after school in the playground.
- Pop-up Play Café, Wednesday 19 February 9.30-11.30am, St Mary’s Church (see flyer)
- Ultimate Activity Camps, Priors Field School, Godalming – Easter and Summer Holidays - follow this link